I AM...
* life experienced - 63 years, a radio ham since 1969
* living in marriage with my honey - Vuokko, 59 years
* born in Ylöjärvi (southern Finland)
* father of two son, Henry 30 and John 28 both working for the Company
* holder of a Master of Science degree in Control Automation and Electronics
* running a privat electronics development enterprice (Alpha Point ltd.) in Helsinki
* living in the rural village of Tuusula, just outside of Helsinki, in a private country side villa
* an active ham radio RTTY operator (station call signs OH2BP and OH0BP in Aland islands)
* Executive Gran Old President of OKI (Otanmäen Kiekko) junior ice hockey team
* the president of the DX Sauna Association (OH2AH)
* the Scandinavian Amateur Radio Teletyping Group's (SARTG) Ombudsman in Finland
* Charter Member of the OHDXF foundation
Please check out my new RTTY SO2R Station Concept 2007 (PDF File)
Whole story has been just published in our Pile-Up Magasin of
Contest Club of Finland
On left my wife Vuokko with me at Alpha Point Ltd Export Promotion Center in New York years ago.
Alpha Point Ltd - my salt mine - the destiny of my life
The company was established in 1982. We both work (Vuokko and me)
for the company, sometimes she is the president sometimes I have the
profession back! We're developing and selling PC flat screen display
controllers, TFT and EL display modules and embedded flat PC's for OEM
customers. In addition we supply touch screen units mainly for the
industrial VAR customers. This year 2002 the company is celebaring her
20th anniversary in business. Alpha Point is networked with group of
niche area companies like Alpha Point all over the world.
If you have more interest, please take a look at Alpha Point Web Site.
I am lisenced since 1969 and hold the general class (full rights) for radiooperating in OH. At my place I have a separate ham radio shack with all gear to operate the radio. I like to go Dx speditions and field day, and worktests, with high intrest in participating the international RTTY contests.I am an oldtimer on all kind of digital communications - have been on RTTY since 1972 and on Packet radio sice 1988. Built own modern RTTY decoder based on Motorola M6802 in early 1978. Special interest in general all kind of digital signaling and quite often participating international RTTY contests.I join permanately to the local Helsinki DX Cluster OH2RBG (Packet addressOH2BP@OH2RBG). While travelling or at home sometimes also connected with thePing-Pong amateur traffic server throught the Internet
The OH2BP - SO2R station description year 2002 |
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This is an open information to my fellow contesters, if you consider these test station use and operating hints below intresting - please give me a comment. I highly appreciate to change thoughts with you!
1. The HSQ conceptIn short this means that entire RTTY contesting station is designed capabile to QSY (change band) fast by a single push button. This new HSQ includes:
Now the operator can actively and continuously easy S&P (search&pounce) stations and multipliers found on different bands during the test.
When number of not worked stations decrease - the operator will fluently switch to next band for a new pile-up or S&P.
After a while of logging the QSOs - a re-QSY would be useful in order to 'vacume' other stations on the next one. Band change really doesn't take your time inthe hazzle and battle of the contest.
Even in the late hours of weekend long test you are not too lazy or tired to QSY for a new S&P.
What a difference to old day manual tuning of Plate and Load of my
floor console Henry. System automatically takes care you're driving the
power to the right antenna and not blowing up your high power
equipments !
2. New station toy - new linear
Since about two years I have been using the latest technology MOSFET linear such as JRC's JRL-2000FH linear amplifier. Quite often in the dark night when I´ve not got the sleep - I set the basic question to myself, how in the world Santa knew this would be the dream-come-true gift for an active ham.
JRL-2000FH outputs a full legal power of 1 KW. On RTTY it tolerates the key-down operation - upon to my experience this FET amplifier seems to run in very reliable way hours after hours. This amplifier has buil-in most of modern features I can image, these are
My summer 1999 project was to built and erect a new Aluminum tower
to the back yard to increase the 7 Mhz signal by setting up the
Gushcraft XM240 two element yagi. In addition to the 2 element 40 meter
yagi I have now a five element for 50 Mhz dx spotting on this tower.
First experiences of 40 m working seems very promising and the signal
is much better now compared with the previous slooper / dipole on 7 Mhz.
Spring 2002 I will replace the Fritzel 5 el tribande with a brand new
Cushcraft X9 (nine element) HF beam @ 25 meter. The other Cushcraft
XM240 (2 el 7 Mhz yagi) will be erected on the top of the first tower
to the high of 28 meter.
I thank all my contesting amateur radio friends for entire QSOs we've
made together. Hope to CUAGN you again during year 2002 RTTY Battles !